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EPITA launches a Master of Science degree in Artificial Intelligence Systems

EPITA responded to the appeal made by Cedric Villani and the French government by creating an 18-month degree program for students and young English-speaking graduates of all backgrounds, to train the Data Scientists, AI Project Managers, AI Coaches and Machine Learning Engineers of tomorrow

A short-cycle and multicultural degree meeting the urgent need for AI engineers.

In 2018, by commissioning the Donner un sens à l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) (giving meaning to Artificial Intelligence (AI)) report, France reaffirmed its willingness to become a leader in the AI sector. In particular, it disclosed a training offer well below the needs in AI and data sciences, and set a clear objective: “In three years, multiply the number of people trained in artificial intelligence in France threefold, by ensuring that the existing educational programs are focused on AI, as well as by creating new AI academic programs and training courses“.

One year later, EPITA is launching its new Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence Systems program accredited by the Conférence des Grandes écoles (CGE) accreditation body. The program will welcome the first French and English-speaking international students holding bachelor’s degrees, in September 2019, then again in March 2020.

Future scientific, technical, human and commercial engineers 

To launch this international program dedicated to artificial intelligence systems, the EPITA teaching staff from the international programs department conducted a comprehensive study of the skills required by companies and the training needs of target countries including France, India and China. The results led the school to develop a program based on 4 main areas of expertise: qualitative and quantitative analysis, the design of structures, products and events, development of structures, products and events, and the resolution of complex problems using AI.

After 12 months of academic classes and 6 months of professional experience, students will acquire solid expertise in the field of data science and AI, professional, scientific and technological as well as human and business skills, an open mind and enhanced curiosity that will facilitate the understanding of economic phenomena linked to globalization, and a capacity to resolve, present and defend a project in diverse and complex contexts, thanks to AI.

Large companies, such as Microsoft, Société Générale, EDF, CGI, EGIS, Proodos, Bertinv, INSPHERIS and Red Alert Labs, have already shown a great deal of interest in future MSc AIS graduates. This degree will ensure the employability of future engineers in positions such as Data Scientist, Data Engineer, AI Project Manager, AI Coach, Data Knowledge Mine, Data Architect, Machine Learning Engineer and Feature Engineer.

This Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence Systems is an integral part of EPITA’s artificial intelligence endeavors and will allow a larger and more diverse number of students from around the world to come and study in France.

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