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Meet us on our different events

Student associations

Since its creation, EPITA’s rich and dynamic community life has always been one of its strong points: art, culture, sports, humanitarian associations, events, entertainment, technical, media, business…

Unprecedented wealth and dynamism!

With over 40 associations, community life is a real source of personal fulfillment for every student at EPITA.

Developing genuine human, organizational and supportive qualities, associative life is a fundamental component of the school’s pedagogical project.

In the field, EPITA students cultivate leadership skills, a sense of responsibility, creativity, respect for others, self-improvement, network development and much more.

Helping, supporting and creating associations!

EPITA has equipped itself with the necessary resources to support the development of associative life, with, among other things, dedicated spaces for associations on the Paris campus, and a real “trade” show to promote associative life.

Taking on responsibility within an association is no mean feat: EPITA provides students with a range of tools and guides, as well as training courses for association board members, a coaching team and much more.

Because it’s the students who make a school, the EPITA school of computer engineering gives free rein to the creativity and spontaneity of its students. And it works! The proof: student life is punctuated by nearly 400 events organized each year by the school’s associations.

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ANTRE is EPITA’s role-playing association. It regularly organizes several types of activities: games with or without a theme, initiations, “grandeurs nature” and monthly role-playing nocturnes. The association also makes its premises and library available to members for occasional games.

Back to basics

Back to basics is an EPITA association that organizes courses between SPE/SUP students. Students can find courses, MCQs and exams in a freely accessible drive.


The BDE is the school’s umbrella association. It organizes integration weekends in SUP and after the pool, the Gala, and parties like Halloween and Christmas. It is also on hand to organize key educational events such as the ING1 swimming pool, rushes and hackathons.


Medieval sports association taking part in the biggest Béhourd tournaments.


Cristal is an association offering Ionis/Campus students used or reconditioned computer equipment.


Cycom aims to promote electronic sports (e-Sport) in France and on campus. This promotion involves organizing competitions on the various leading e-sports games.


Tattoo and body art club.


The campus photography association. It welcomes students and supports them in developing their passion.


The Poker Association organizes tournaments throughout the year for all students.


Epichess is an EPITA and Epitech association offering students the chance to practice, learn or improve their chess skills. In addition to these courses and numerous duels, we’ll also be organizing competitions where it may be possible to win prizes.


EpiMac showcases Apple technologies and offers training around the Mac world (Mac OS X, etc.).


Epiqueer is an LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi & Trans) association offering convivial, cultural and militant activities. Its role is also to prevent and combat LGBTphobia (lesbophobia, gayphobia, biphobia and transphobia).


EpiSolidaire is the association that carries out solidarity and humanitarian actions on campus: weekly “maraudes” in the KB and 13th arrondissements, clothing and goods collections for the underprivileged, organization of humanitarian trips…


Episport is the campus sports association. It offers a wide range of individual and group activities. By joining Episport, students can also receive an official license from the Fédération Française du Sport Universitaire (FFSU).


Epitanime is the association for the promotion of Japanese culture in all its forms (karaoke, conventions, film screenings, drawing, musical video games, retro-jamming, VSG Pokémon, TCG Cards, Go game…) among students and in Europe.


It’s a rally and motor sport association bringing together lovers of motor sport and vehicle restoration, with the aim of entering them in various rallies.


Epiworld welcomes international students from the EPITA school of computer intelligence engineering. The French students organize activities to discover French culture (a tour of Paris, a Cheese & Wine evening, French film screenings…) and guide them throughout their stay.


For over 30 years, EPTV has been bringing together video enthusiasts to capture the highlights of student life throughout the year. The association is open to all, and offers in-house training in video editing and equipment.


Evolutek is a robotics association that prepares its members for the Coupe de France et de Belgique de Robotique organized by Planète Sciences. The association is divided into 3 major areas: electronics, mechanics and computer science.


GConfs is an association that promotes the exchange of knowledge on IONIS campuses, notably through conferences, practical work and other meetings and exchanges.

Gotta Go Hack

Gotta Go Hack is an association that organizes hackathons and talks with the aim of introducing students to entrepreneurship and innovation. Hackathons are events where the aim is to imagine and prototype an innovative project as a group over a weekend. These projects are coached and judged by professionals. The aim of the talks is to exchange ideas with entrepreneurs on a variety of subjects. More info on our website: Our LinkedIn:

Groupe d'étudiants en mode hack

Icare is the manual arts club. Drawing, digital art, painting, design, modeling, textile arts, animation, writing… there’s something for everyone!


A place for manufacturing, collaborative innovation and technological experimentation, where digital technology is rooted in reality. The Maker Space is a place where students can collaborate, design and build the services of tomorrow, encouraging innovation and pushing back the limits of their imagination.

La Cave

La Cave is EPITA/Epitech’s wine and French local produce association. We will be on hand at afterworks and parties to offer our products. We will also be organising tastings and visits to farms and cellars in the Île de France region.

La Paillote

La Paillote is the association for lovers of blended flavors. Experts in the art of tantalizing the taste buds, its members offer a wide range of cocktails, from the classic to the unique, specially invented for you. Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, and should be consumed in moderation.


LaCity is an association that explores the world of economics and finance, which it presents to its members through accessible conferences. It also supports computer-financial projects such as the development of an automated trading system.


Lateb’s mission is to promote the discovery of quality beers on campus. To this end, it organizes events offering a variety of activities around beer tastings in the form of buffets, screenings or concerts. Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, and should be consumed in moderation.

Le Baby

Soul Baby lets you share your passion for table soccer and organize tournaments.

Omega One

Omega One is the EPITA and EPITECH ciné-club, which organizes monthly screenings of films and series based on a theme or current events on campus.


Prologin is the association that organizes the annual national computer science competition for students aged 20 and under. Their ability to solve algorithmic problems is put to the test in three stages: qualifications, semi-finals (or regional events), and the final. Since 2014, the association has been organizing Girls Can Code! computer courses for middle and high school girls. The internships were created with the aim of encouraging girls to try their hand at computing despite the lack of women and stereotypes in the field.

Soul of Sound

Soul of Sound is a music association providing rehearsal space and instruments for student bands.


Strataegyc is an association of strategy card games: Magic the Gathering and YuGiOh TCG. The aim of the association is to promote these two games, mainly through parties and tournaments.

Street Riders

Street Riders is the board sports association. It offers activities around the different board sports and aims to raise awareness of their activity and develop joint projects: events, competitions…

Sup’Bio Dance

Sup’Bio Dance is the dance association. It offers activities for all dance lovers: choreography, flash mob, performances, challenges…


Synergie aims to improve the image of digital professions among young people, and thus reduce stereotypes and promote gender diversity in this field. To this end, every year it organizes Synergy Days on the campus of the EPITA school of computer intelligence, to introduce middle-school students to careers and themes in IT.


The STACK promotes the practice of airsoft and related disciplines within campus schools.


Unisson vise à promouvoir la musique électronique. Tout au long de l’année, elle participe à la préparation des soirées étudiantes sur le campus. Il est organisé autour de 3 pôles : MAO (musique assistée par ordinateur), MIX/Live, Scratch.


Unplug is a music association organizing sessions aimed at giving introductory courses in music practice! They are also the organizers of the “Students Got Talent” talent contest.

Villejuif Nights

Villejuif Nights is the organizer of relaxed evenings for students. Over the course of an all-nighter, students take over the school buildings to play cards, sing karaoke, compete in video game tournaments or enjoy some crêpes.

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