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Reviewing Games at on Campus


Many students joined computer science thanks to their interest in video games. Unlike the real players, they managed to sublimate this passion, destructive for some, to a passion for productive computing. Some of them may even later pass on to the other side of the mirror by becoming designers of video games. Meanwhile, the concerned Epiteans can continue to cultivate their interest in recreational activities within the school’s dynamic associations such as the Carré d’As, Strataegyc or ANTRE.


Carré d’As: The Aces of Poker

F2carredas.pngor members of the association Carré d’As, the risk is not losing money but about forgetting the border between day and night. Regularly the games go on until dawn with the players reaching complete exhaustion. “Carré d’As hosts a party every Friday in the school premises. With our partner Winamax we also offer Monday night tournaments online on new gaming platforms – legal in  France. Three or four major tournaments bringing together a hundred people take place every year, with major prizes offered by our partners. We have 5 professional tables and tokens of good quality,” says Alban Perillat Merceroz, club president.



2antre.jpgANTRE: Role Playing Game

ANTRE is an open club that welcomes both regulars and newbies to role-playing. Who will you be once the game starts? A bloodthirsty orc to conquer a territory? An angel who has come to earth to fight against demonic armies? A vampire obsessed by the beauty of art? It is the strength of role play: you enter the space of a game in the skin of another. Maxime Gronier, President: “ANTRE offers on the table role-playing games as well as full-scale games that get close to stage improvisation. Regular evenings are held every two weeks, punctuated by evening events every two month.”


Strataegyc for the Nostalgic

For ex-collegians addicted to Magic cards or to yu-gi-oh (activity closely inspired by the universe of manga) or for those who missed the pleasures that these small games contain, the association Strataegyc offers a field and chests filled with cards. Make no mistake, these games, far from being trivial, require the players to have a real strategic and psychological finesse!” A small tournament is held every month and a large event takes place once a year involving more than 300 people,” said Paul Eymard, who heads the club.


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