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Semaine internationale : grands noms, grandes universités…

Des intervenants prestigieux de grandes universités du monde entier se succèdent toute cette semaine devant les étudiants de deuxième année du cycle ingénieur. Economie, Marketing ou sciences appliquées, le programme riche et varié fait déjà salle comble !



Les intervenants :


• Prof.Dr. Matina Behr, Professor Department of Business and Information Systems & Prof.Dr. Jan Karpe, Director, Institute for Distance Learning & Further Education (IDF), University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Germany.

 – Modern Economics – Principles and Strategic  Concepts  with Case Studies from Germany.

• Bruno Hünermund, English Senior Lecturer in Finances and Marketing, University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Germany.

– Marketing in the EU compared to Marketing Strategies in the USA.  

– Advertising as Prerequisite for Successful Marketing.

– Globalisation – the World’s Blessing or Curse?




• Dr. Mehmet Göktürk, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Gebze Institute Of Technology, Gebze Kocaeli, Turkey.

 – Human Computer Interaction in House Appliances



• Matthew ANDREWS, Dean BBA and MBA Programs – Institut Supérieur de Gestion, Paris, France.

 – Intercultural Communication.
 – Human Behavior in the workplace.

• J. Luftmann, Stevens Institute of Technology.  


En savoir plus sur Mehmet Göktürk…

Mehmet Göktürk enseigne au Gebze Institute of Technology en tant que professeur assistant en « Computer engineering ».  Ses recherches portent sur des thèmes variés :

• Human computer interaction
• Input device design and evaluation
• User interface design and and evaluation
• Mobile Interfaces and Ubiquitous Computing 
• Multimodal Interfaces and Sensory Substitution
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• Virtual reality and applications
• Data Mining and Active Mining Agents
• E-Collaboration and multiuser interfaces
• Man machine interaction systems-tools design
• Eye-tracking and applications
• Interfaces for Disabled and Universal Access
• Operating Systems
• Electronic commerce
• Embedded Systems and microprocessors


Pour avoir plus d’informations sur ses publications :

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